Living Aligned Coaching with Linda Vanderlee. Creative support for times of change

Programs at Living Aligned


Linda is slowing down to simmer and savour this summer.

However ... the Arts Based Self-Care Practice will continue on a PWYC basis.

Some Coaching spots will be available as well.

Contact Linda here to discuss details.

The Arts Based Self-Care Practice

This practice was developed for big hearted caregivers who want to practice directing some of that caring energy on themselves and check-in with their own feelings and needs.

Using a blend of elements that include aspects of Mindfulness, Focusing, the Expressive Arts as well as of the Living Aligned framework, this combination of processes gently helps you connect with yourself, your emotional landscape and simply your perfectly imperfect humanness.

Most people comment on the extra something they receive by doing it with others. Most of the time we are off camera, working in our own private space. Sharing after is always optional.

The first session is always free.

Pencil Crayons; Living Aligned: Linda Vanderlee

Hear what a few of our clients who have joined the practice have to say here!

Wednesday Practice - 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM EST

90 minutes of guided arts based practice and some community connection

Sunday Practice - 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM EST
90 minutes of guided arts based practice and some community connection

If you are interested in joining a session, contact Linda here!

Before you join your first session, please watch the Introduction video here.

Workshops and Events

Sunflower; Living Aligned: Linda Vanderlee

What's Coming Up in the Fall?

Visioning Workshops, both in-person and online. Send me a note if you want to influence my date choices.

The Living Aligned Learning Vacation concept. A rich opportunity to learn, explore, play and rest, both alone and with others, over several days.

Transition Coaching Circles - closed groups that connect around a theme of experience and interest (eg: retirement, aging, caregiving).

"The appropriate support can make all the difference."

Linda can create a custom workshop to meet your group's needs, in Rupert or elsewhere.

Contact her directly to discuss the possibilities!

1 - 1 Coaching

Holding a growing tree in your hand: Living Aligned; Linda Vanderlee

Whether you are looking for ways to navigate a challenge, institute a creative habit, enhance your experience at work or elsewhere in your life, coaching focuses on supporting your path to success — as you define it.

Identifying and moving toward your vision of what you want more of takes energy, self awareness and creative problem solving skills. I can help you untangle the knots, acknowledge your strengths and define your next steps.

Everybody and every situation is unique. Coaching offers ongoing support to individuals as we work with your reality, cultural style and vision for the future.

Arrange for a FREE 30-minute discovery call.