Please bear with me over the next week or so as I'm attempting to change the layout of this page for easier and hopefully cleaner naviagation. Expect some missing pieces and possibly a few bloopers. : )
(Eventually, I intend to have each of these three above sections link directly to the appropriate information page. For now, we're still scrolling down. Apologies.)
Workshops, Courses and Learning Circles
January 2025
Are you experiencing a challenging transition right now?
Whatever transition (or transitions) you are experiencing, join us for some empathy, reflection, learning and support in navigating the ups and downs.
To register your interest in a future workshop date,
contact Linda here.
This workshop is a starting point, an introduction. See below for information on the Transitions Learning Circles which will offer a deeper exploration and on-going, shared support over several weeks.
The first Visioning course I offered was more than 20 years ago. It is the foundational start to what the Living Aligned Framework has evolved into.
In January 2024 I reopened the barn doors for a return of my in-person workshops since the pandemic. The response was so heartwarming - I ended up hosting three all day sessions and one online set of three.
What will this year bring I wonder?
In the past, some people come back every year or two to reflect, realign and rejuvenate. (Anyone remember that tag line for Rendezvous Rupert?) Some came back when something big was afoot.
As the old saying goes, we can't step into the same river twice ... we and life are constantly in motion, perpetually evolving, both consciously and unconsciously. This process helps us clarify and connect with what matters most to us and why. Magic tends to follow.
Let me know if you are interested in attending a Visioning workshop. Contact me directly, letting me know which format option you would prefer: in-person in Rupert or online.
Transition Learning Circles
part course, part coaching, part support group
After many discussions with clients, friends and community members, the idea surfaced to invite a small group of people to come together for a period of time for what I'm calling a learning circle: part course, part coaching, part support group.
Each Learning Circle will co-create their own agenda based on what is timely and meaningful for everyone present. I will draft an initial design that will include content ideas along with a flexible structure that will allow for lots of emergent input and energy. I suspect most of our content will come from our collective experiences, questions and wishes.
To keep it intimate and personal, each Circle will remain small, with between 4 to 8 participants. I will request that everyone commits to attending consistently to the best of their ability. We'll be running for 6 weeks on zoom to accomodate participant geography. Depending on the circumstances of each Circle, an occasional in-person component may be possible. TBD.
Though the Embracing Transition Workshop is not a prerequisit, you might find it a useful first step. See above for date and formats available.
Transition Learning Circles on Zoom.
Dates for the next Circle will be set soon.
Register your interest and time preferences
by contacting me directly.
Friday 10 AM - 12 PM (EST), 2025
Beginning in March.
Fees: $210 | Members $168 (taxes included)
Etransfers accepted. Other payment arrangements are possible as well.
A Self-paced Transition Course is in development with the possiblity of a monthly live zoom call attached to it.
Let me know if you wish to be part of a pilot group to test this offering.
The Arts Based Self-Care Practice
This Practice was developed for big hearted care-givers who want to practice directing some of that caring energy on themselves and check-in with their own feelings and needs.
Using a blend of elements that include aspects of Mindfulness, Focusing, the Expressive Arts as well as of the Living Aligned framework, this combination of processes gently helps you connect with yourself, your emotional landscape and simply your perfectly imperfect humanness.
Watch this short (8 min) Introduction video here.
Most people comment on the extra something they receive by doing this process with others. Most of the time we are off camera, working in our own private space. However we start in community for a few minutes, checking in and we close with an optional sharing, often revealing some common threads or a personal perspective or insight that the others find helpful for themselves as well.
You can listen to an audio sample of part of our process by checking out the Freebie bundle. And you can listen to what a few of our Practice members have to say about their experience here!
Your first session is free so come give it a try to find out if it might just be 'the appropriate support that could make all the difference." If so, head to the Membership page to register yourself there.
We look forward to welcoming you to this Practice and our ongoing community.
Wednesday Practice - 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM EST
90 minutes of guided arts based practice
and community connection
Sunday Practice - 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM EST
90 minutes of guided arts based practice
and community connection
1 - 1 Coaching
Whether you are looking for ways to navigate a challenge, institute a creative habit, enhance your experience at work or elsewhere in your life, coaching focuses on supporting your path to success — as you define it.
Everybody and every situation is unique. Coaching offers you personalized support that works with your reality, cultural style and vision for the future.
Identifying and moving toward your vision of what you want more of takes energy, self awareness and creative problem solving skills. I can help you untangle any knots, acknowledge and build on your strengths and guide you towards identifying your next best step forward.
I work in-person here in Rupert, on the phone and on zoom. Or I can come to you. I invite you to book a FREE 20-minute discovery call to find out if we both feel like we would enjoy and work well together.
"The appropriate support can make all the difference."
Linda can create a custom workshop or course to meet your group's needs, in Rupert or elsewhere.
Contact her directly to discuss the possibilities.